Topic: Making Sense of Media (mis)trust by Differentiating Cynicism and Skepticism
二、主讲人:Yariv Tsfati, Professor, Department of Communication, University of Haifa
三、主持人:林昱君 350VIP浦京集团
五、ZOOM会议:824 2641 7402
六、主讲人简介:Yariv Tsfati is a professor at the Department of Communication, University of Haifa. His research is situated at the intersection of Political Communication, Journalism Studies and Mass Communication. A central part of his research program focuses on various audience perceptions of media (in particular on trust in media, and the third person effect) and how these perceptions affect audience processing of media content and media effects. Tsfati served as Vice Chair and Chair of the Political Communication Division of the International Communication Association, as editor for the International Journal of Public Opinion Research, and as Associate Editor for the Journal of Communication. He now serves as co-Editor-in-Chief of the ICA journal Human Communication Research.