Advancing Journalism
二、主讲人:John V. Pavlik, Professor, Journalism and Media Studies Department - Rutgers University
三、主持人:林昱君 350VIP浦京集团
五、ZOOM会议号:996 3308 8332
六、主讲人简介:Prof. John V. Pavlik is co-developer of the Situated Documentary, a form of location-based storytelling using the emerging mobile and wearable technology known as Augmented Reality. He is a former columnist for CNN.com and an executive producer for Fathom.com. Prof. John Pavlik studies and writes about the impact of technology on journalism, media, and society. He is the author or editor of more than one dozen books on journalism and media more than 100 journal articles and book chapters. He is also a faculty affiliate of the Columbia Institute for Tele-Information.